Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Yes, I'm still here...

I have been MIA from this blog for a while... I have good intentions of blogging but then life just gets in the way! 

Nothing has changed... NOTHING! 

I'm still about 25 pounds away from goal! In January I got down to an all new low of 177 pounds! Amazing! But during that time I also had the flu then pneumonia... soooo I'm sure that had a little something to do with it! 

This roller coaster of ups and downs, gains and losses is getting really old and I want OFF this ride! 

I have recently discovered a blog called itsuxtobefat. Amazing writer with an even more amazing journey! Jennifer has given me many ideas for this blog as well as new ideas for my journey! Please if you get a chance to check her out do it! You won't regret it! 

I'm going to start setting monthly goals. I have jotted some down and I have put a post-it on my fridge, in my car, on my bathroom mirror, computer screen at work, and on my classroom door! A little excessive I know but hey I obviously need to be reminded often that I'm not finished! 

I began this blog to hold myself more accountable and to help others in similar situations! I am also going to blog more and check in with weekly updates! 

If you feel like you are stuck on the same ride I'm on then maybe setting a few goals is exactly what you need to get off this coaster! What are your March goals? 

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