Sunday, July 29, 2012

My Journey

Since this is my first post I think it makes sense to give a little background information of my journey. I joined weight watchers in mid 2007 for the very first time. I weighed in at around 276 pounds and I was shocked! I hadn't stepped on a scale in years and just assumed I was in the neighborhood of around 250. I lost 18 pounds and eventually just quit going. I was in my first year of teaching and also living on my own for the first time in my life. I joined weight watchers several more times that year but I never really took it seriously. I was just simply enjoying life..(a super unhealthy life). By December of 2008 I realized I had gained weight, but again didn't feel like it was out of hand. Boy was I wrong!

I joined weight watchers for about the fifth or sixth time on January 4, 2009 weighing in at 300.5 pounds. Talk about a shocker! I was embarrassed, mortified, scared, and many other emotions that should not be associated with one's weight. Seeing that number on paper really sparked something inside me and a serious change was in order!

I went to meetings for a year and I lost about 45 pounds. I felt great but I was no where near healthy or my goal weight. I slacked off and quit tracking and was soon back up to around 264 pounds. I worked out with friends and lost about 15 pounds over that year. My weight loss pace was somewhere between a creep and a crawl. 

Finally on May 1, 2011 I decided this was the day that I was going to stop wishing for a change and finally make one. I started weight watchers AGAIN, and really started working out! I had great support from friends and family and the weight came off the way it should have 2 years before. I was approaching 199 pounds, a place I had not been since before I graduated high school. I was in the best shape of my life! I completed a half marathon on October 1, 2011! Me, the girl who never ran anywhere except to the fridge!

Now I am currently 185 pounds pending tomorrow's weigh in! My goal is 160 pounds. I have 25 to go, hence the name of this blog. I am extremely proud of this journey no matter how long it has taken. Three years would have passed me by anyways so why not be down 115 pounds! I have been a little too relaxed this summer but I've managed to maintain my weight! Now i'm tired of maintaining and am motivated to finish this journey! I hope that I can inspire and motivate other people along the way. Whether you need to lose 5, 50, or 150 pounds, it is not impossible! 

My journey... TO BE CONTINUED....


  1. This is amazing girl! It shows you can do anything if you put your mind to it! I see your post on FB and they give me the push I need for me to get up and get my workout on! Thank you girl! You look amazing!!!!!

  2. You are so strong and have a great story to share. Nothing is impossible! <3

  3. Stacey, you are very inspiring!! Congrats on all your hard work and success up until now and I know those last 25 pounds don't stand a chance. You look like a completely different person! Looking forward to following along with your journey :)

  4. You know that I am your biggest cheerleader because you inspire me in ways that you wouldn't begin to understand. I am so proud of you and I know that you are going to axe that last 25!!

  5. hey girl, u really do look AMAZING! Im so proud of u and ur journey and I know u will make ur goal weight. Keep up the good work!

  6. Congratulations Stacey!! How amazing, your such a strong woman. You look great! Thank you for your inspiration it is going to change lives.

  7. Thank you all so much! I'm overwhelmed all the time by the support I have from so many people! I used to think I was alone in this, but I have found that I'm very much not alone! Everyone's continued support is such motivation and I appreciate it more than everyone will ever know!
